Concrete Repair & Resurfacing
Concrete Repair & Resurfacing
When it comes to repairs the most important part of the whole process is really finding the root of the problem and making an effort to fix it. Cracks can appear in concrete, and it can be a somewhat “normal” occurrence that shouldn’t make you sound the alarm. At the same time there are issues that stem from a deeper rooted problem. When you try to fix those through simple repairs you may just end up throwing your money down the drain. We want to make sure that you don’t do that. To accomplish this there’s a whole procedure that we go through.
Get A Free Estimate
We’ve found that a lot of people forgo repairs, particularly when they spot simple issues because they literally feel the situation isn’t important enough to give us a call. It’s like talking to a lawyer over a lawsuit where you stand to make less money than what the hour talking to him or her is going to cost you. You don’t want to do that. That’s why we offer free estimates. You don’t have to pay anything to have us have a look. From there you can decide if you are on board to continue the repair process.
Is Resurfacing Going To Be On The Table?
Resurfacing can be a very beneficial procedure for a wide variety of structures. We just need to make sure that the particular surface is fit for that type of procedure. In general terms what we are looking for is that the original surface doesn’t have major cracks or otherwise structural damage that would certainly make resurfacing practically impossible, and impractical at best. If we see that despite its age the surface is in pretty good shape we may recommend this type of repair.
What Are The Real Benefits of Resurfacing?
In simple terms what you’re doing is getting more good years out of an existing surface. If you don’t choose resurfacing as an option you are going to be left with either a pretty dull looking area, or the need to make larger structural repairs on the surface. Sometimes these repairs are really not necessary. So for one, you could be saving money in the process. While updating the look and feel of your existing surface. The way that we see it, with areas that can be resurfaced this procedure is usually going to be a good idea.
Being Honest About Repairs
One of the worst feelings in the world is that one you get when you think that you’re being cheated. We understand that some of the folks that come to us have had bad experiences with other contractors in the past. That’s why we don’t like to sound the alarm, and call for a major repair when we know it’s not necessary. Typically what we do is present different options, go over the pros and cons in each and let you pick the one you feel strongest about. It’s really important for us to build that trust factor.